Sunday, June 14

saAt yaNG teNaNG n menDEbarKan

akhirNya seteLah hampiR 3 miNGGu beRtungKus LumuS(r u suRe) meNGhadaPi exaM fiNaL bg semesTEr ke4 di buMi indOnesiA ini,aKhiRnya semuaNya tELah SeLEsai paDA JumaAt yaNG LaLu.......

dimULai deNGan SoOCA<-apataH fuLL namE diEr..taK ingaT buT it mean oRaL exam_so wat we need tO do iS...we neeD to memorize moRE thaN 30 caSEs n theN we wiLL onLy get oNE case to pReseNt on thE day oF eXaminAtioN....
ouR casEs is diviDEd to 3 sySteMs/blocKs
1)rps_reproductive systeM_
2)eMs_endocrine n metabolism systeM
3)nbss_neurobehaviour n speciAL senSe sysTEm

in each case 4 eveRy sysTEm..wE neEd to TeLL all bouT da caSe,basic science,
doinG pathophysiO n wat we know bouT da caSE n so on....
mine-i goT vertiGo
ni paSaL keseimbanGan baDan....pesakit ni pening waktu pusinG kepaLa..
so keNa tgk dia effect kaT brain oR teLinGa
n theN my caSE dekat teLinGa
so keNa La citEr paSaL teLiNga,pathwaY of heaRinG,treatMEnT n etc2
somethiNg likE that La....

n tHen kitaORg adeR eXam MDe_ni paSaL nBss jeR n haVe 200 questioNs foR 200 min_objectivE
mdE diaDakaN evEry tyME satu2 system tu daH abEs....
n sOOca n osCE..onCE iN a yeAr.......
mencaBar fizikAL n mentAL...
buKAn jeR keNa bertaHAn lebiH 3 jaM daLam dewaN exaM but stiLL neeD to ansWER n hitamkaN seMUa jawAPaN

n LasT buT noT LEaST...
baRu jeR abeS lasT frIdaY.....
osCE_sKiLL laB exaMinaTioN_
apa yanG kitaORg perLu buaT adALah meNghafaL step2 DaLam meLAkuKan pemeriKsaAn ke ataS patient beRdaSarkaN caSE....
antaRa yaNG ader daLam skiLL laB adaLAh check the position of da fetuS iN motheR,histoRy takinG for patient wit hyperthyroid n teLL da diabetic to taKe care of dier foot...
we have bout moRe thaN 30 skiLL labs to remembered but we onLy do it 15...
chosen by the lecturers n must do it coRRectLy
if not we need to retaKE it agaiN untiL we pasS aLl thE skiLL laB thaT we FaiL..
paSs meaN u geT A...if noT,u faiL..juz A in osCE......n u paSS

Alhamdulillah semuanya dah berLalu..
tenaNG rasanya jiwa n raGa...
but still thinKing bout it..
that why la tajuk kali ni bout my examinatiOn....
juz too worry bout it acTuaLLy....
do pray 4 Me....
maY ALLAH bless all of us..........